Certified Safety Manager

Trainings are also offered as in-house training
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If you find an empty list above the training is not offered publicly at this point. Please contact us to show your interest for us to train you.
General Information
Duration Onsite/Online: 5 days (one week)/ 5 sprints (10 weeks)
Online meeting Time Range: 8:00 – 22:00 CET
Languages of meetings: English or German
Language of material: English
Training-ID: 15.210.XX
Certified Competent Safety Manager
Trainings are also offered as in-house training
Date | Booking | Language | Place | Regular price | Book today | Additional Fee Type | Add Fee | Discount |
If you find an empty list above the training is not offered publicly at this point. Please contact us to show your interest for us to train you.
General Information
Duration Onsite/Online: 5 days (one week)/ 5 sprints (10 weeks)
Online meeting Time Range: 8:00 – 22:00 CET
Languages of meetings: English or German
Language of material: English
Training-ID: 15.410.XX

The training “Safety Manager” contains the detailed preparation for successfully completing the tasks of a Safety Manager in accordance with ISO 26262:2018.
The focus of this training is on the safety management in the development project and in the organization. A development according to ISO 26262:2018 builds on a functioning quality management. This is why the training also bridges towards the required quality management for being able to successfully perform a safety project.
Next to the detailed knowledge on the core documents of the safety management, like the safety plan, the safety case and the confirmation measures, the upcoming safety manager receives an overview of the four development phases according to ISO 26262:2018: The Concept Phase, the System Development Phase, the Hardware Development Phase and the Software Development Phase.
The training concept includes the required theory, yet it puts an equal focus on practical exercises that allow the trainees to gain vital understanding on how to achieve work products compliant with ISO 26262:2018. Or rather, to be more accurate, they get one exercise: The trainees prepare in group work the central work products relevant for achieving safety for a specific use case, these documents forming the basis for the practical examination.
Throughout the training we provide the learners with the support that they need in order to successfully establish knowledge and competence in the field of functional safety. Therefore, we have split the training into four individual learning elements:
- Theoretical Content
The theoretical part contains both the expectancies from the ISO 26262:2018 towards the project and organization, as well as a self-check with training questions in the style of the examination. - Theoretical Examination
The knowledge achieved on functional safety is tested in a multiple-choice examination. Upon successful completion of the theoretical examination, the first certification level, the “Certified Safety Manager” is achieved. - Practical Exercise
The practical part is synchronously with the theoretical part requesting the trainees to create typical work products for a safety related development according to ISO 26262:2018. This exercise is held as group work in order to achieve a balanced group learning experience through discussions and exchange of experience. - Practical Examination
The competence achieved is measured by subjecting the documents from the practical exercise to safety assessment by the examiner. In this review the degree of compliance with each review question is measured and graded. Upon successful completion of the theoretical and practical examination, the second certification level, the “Certified Competent Safety Manager” is achieved.
Any of these parts can be ordered individually as online training.
Learn whenever it’s best for you – we fully exploit the advantages of modern online learning and provide a fully on-demand setting for our trainees:
- Theoretical Content
The online training is spread over four training sprints and one examination sprint, each taking two weeks. Each sprint has the theoretical elements available as online content that can be viewed, suspended, resumed, and repeated at any time. In addition, there are dedicated time slots each sprint for asking the training questions that arise during the theoretical part. - Theoretical Examination
There are theoretical examinations held online at a regular basis. If you do not yet feel well prepared for taking the exam at a particular time, feel free to opt-in for another upcoming examination. - Practical Exercise
The team jointly performing the group work exercise has the opportunity to themselves find suitable times for doing their work. Yet, alike the Theoretical Content, there are dedicated time slots with the trainer that are used for asking questions for the practical work as well as for the examination. - Practical Examination
The practical examination is an integral part of the practical exercise as it is performed as a continuous examination during performing the exercise.
Separately booked examinations are performed as ex post functional safety assessments based on the delivered documents.
The contents of this training is scoped at the following modules of the Munich Safety Training Repository:
- Achieving Safety
- Quality Management Basics
- Overall Safety Management
- Documentation Management
- Project Safety Management
- Managing Distributed Developments
- Concept Phase in a Nutshell
- System Development in a Nutshell
- Hardware Development in a Nutshell
- Software Development in a Nutshell
- Configuration Management
- Problem and Change Management
- Software Tools
- Reusing Systems
- Assessment Briefing
- Project Managers
- Safety Managers
- Line Managers
- Process Owners
For participating at this training there are no formal requirements. However, for understanding the subject matter presented, the trainees should have experience in the field of the development of embedded systems.
Prerequisite for the second certification level “Certified Competent” is the achievement of the first certification level “Certified”. Both can be obtained at the same time.
Prerequisite for the third certification level “Certified Expert” is the achievement of the second certification level “Certified Competent”. The certification to “Certified Competent” must be achieved before generating the assessment evidence for the certification level “Certified Expert”.
This training can be held as online in-house training whenever a minimum of six persons participate. In-house trainings can also be held as on-site training or blended training (theory online, practical onsite).
If you require different content of the ISO 26262:2018, please consider our other learning paths for:
- Safety Systems Engineer
- Safety Hardware Engineer
- Safety Software Engineer
- Safety Assessor
If you are looking for a low budget solution, please consider using our open learning product giving you access to the on-demand content (no trainer).
If you are looking for a custom training, we can tailor our training to the needs of your organization based on the Munich Safety Training Repository, consisting of 57 training modules at present. Level one “certified” certificates can be issued for any training within our portfolio.