intacs™ Training for Automotive SPICE® for Cybersecurity


Trainings are also offered as in-house training

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24-Mar-2025 - 26-Mar-2025ENOnline, EARLY TIME1760 €1614 €Exam450Online training 10%, early bird discount 10%, teams >2 10%, teams >4 10%, from best cost country 10%, private/freelancer 10% [max 50%]
16-Jun-2025 - 18-Jun-2025ENOnline, EARLY TIME1760 €1468 €Exam450Online training 10%, early bird discount 10%, teams >2 10%, teams >4 10%, from best cost country 10%, private/freelancer 10% [max 50%]

If you find an empty list above the training is not offered publicly at this point. Please contact us to show your interest for us to train you.

General Information

Duration: 3 days
Time: 9:00 – 17.00

Training-ID: 15.001.XX

Language: German or English
Trainer: Christian Knüvener

The new Process Assessment Model (PAM) “Automotive SPICE® for Cybersecurity” provides an extension to Automotive SPICE in six new processes. The new course “intacs™ certified Automotive SPICE® Cybersecurity” is meant to prepare assessors for the assessment of the new processes.


This training introduces the model extension “Automotive SPICE® for Cybersecurity” and enables the participants, who have to be intacs™ certified assessors, to apply the model extension. The participants will acquire the ability to extend their analysis expertise to cybersecurity and to analyze and assess development processes regarding cybersecurity aspects. The 3-day seminar prepares participants for the exam on the last day of training.

intacs-certified Competent and Principal Assessors who have acquired expertise on Cybersecurity are qualified to lead an assessment using Automotive SPICE Cybersecurity after passing the training and exam.


After successful training, the participant shows the team how they can benefit from Automotive SPICE® Cybersecurity. He knows which aspects have to be covered and what has to be taken into account during the implementation and the establishment of the processes. He knows what and how the processes are analyzed and evaluated in an assessment.


This training is exclusively taught by experienced intacs™ Certified Principal Assessors with extensive experience with practical assessment implementation. Also, they are certified trainers.

In addition to the accredited standard training material, KNÜVENER MACKERT provides extra material like summaries and guidelines.

Participants will receive a copy of the world’s best SPICE Booklet with Automotive SPICE, Agile SPICE, Hardware Engineering SPICE, Mechanical Engineering SPICE and GUIDELINES, which are derived from the VDA Guidelines v1.0


The content of this training is based on the syllabus published by intacs®. intacs™ will provide standard training material to the intacs Training Providers and will cover the following topics:

  • Cybersecurity know-how, including:
    • Cybersecurity motivation and history
    • Cybersecurity goals
    • Relevant standards and guidelines
    • The concept of “assets” and asset management
    • UNECE requirements
    • Risk assessment methods and threat modelling
    • Methods for penetration testing
    • Security vs. Safety
    • TARA according to ISO/SAE 21434
  • The processes of the Automotive SPICE® for Cybersecurity model in detail:
    • ACQ.2 Supplier Request and Selection
    • MAN.7 Cybersecurity Risk Management
    • SEC.1 Cybersecurity Requirements Elicitation
    • Cybersecurity “Item” and TARA
    • SEC.2 Cybersecurity Implementation
    • SEC.3 Risk Treatment Verification
    • SEC.4 Risk Treatment Validation
  • Cybersecurity hints and comments that must be considered when implementing or assessing existing Automotive SPICE 3.1 processes, including:
    • Acquisition processes ACQ.3, ACQ.4, ACQ.14, ACQ.15
    • System development processes SYS.1 to SYS.3
    • Software development processes SWE.1 to SWE.3
    • Software test processes SWE.4 to SWE.6
    • System test processes SYS.4 and SYS.5
    • Support processes SUP.1 and SUP.8
    • MAN.3 Project Management
    • MAN.5 Risk Management
  • Exercises
  • Exam preparation


For the time being, this training is only intended for intacs-certified Automotive SPICE Assessors.


On the afternoon of the last day of the course, a representative of the VDA will conduct a multiple-choice online exam.

The exam is held in English. The regular duration of the exam is one hour. Examinees whose native language is not English receive 50% more exam time.


This training is offered as inhouse training as well.

Excerpt from the training material

Each participant receives one of the world’s best SPICE booklet.



Knüvener Mackert Trainee Program Trainee Program: Get your Automotive SPICE® Lead Assessor Qualification in 5 Steps - Today almost all components in cars are mechatronic systems with increasing complexity. Functional Safety (ISO 26262) and Cyber Security are critical aspects to be considered in developing these car components. To qualify as a supplier, OEMs require development processes compliant to capability level CL 2 or even CL 3 in Automotive SPICE®. In other words: to deliver software-driven components, you must be fit in ASPICE®.