
Competence only comes from learning
Due to rapid market developments, both techniques and rules and regulations are changing rapidly.

Stay competent by paying attention to your continuous learning.

Learning from the experiences of others is the most effective way of learning
Our in-house and our public training sessions cover technical and management topics including Automotive SPICE®, Agile, Management, Engineering, Safety and Security, etc.

Change requires the competence to apply theory in practice

We strive to make our training sessions more practical than theoretical; we limit the number of participants to maximize learning and encourage participation.

In-house trainings offer many advantages

Financially, in-house trainings are worthwhile for 4 or 5 persons or more, at least if you consider the expenses for travel. However, the more important advantages are that the training content can be better adapted to the needs.

The training times and duration of the learning units can also be adjusted, for example to leave a little more room for individual discussion topics.  Experience has shown that participants also exchange ideas more openly and work together to develop more concrete and appropriate solutions. We experience this frequently and it is also shown in the customer satisfaction.

Advantages of in-house trainings

  • Adaptation of content and times according to requirements
  • Open exchange of experience leads to concrete and tailored solutions
  • Often cheaper for 5 persons or more

Our experts convey the theory comprehensibly, report on many practical examples and support you in the exercises. This is confirmed by our customers. Read more.

Upcoming Events

Book today
17-Mar-2025 - 18-Mar-2025Agile SPICE® – a bridge to Automotive SPICE®ENOnline, EARLY TIME1220 €1118 €
19-Mar-2025 - 20-Mar-2025Automotive SPICE® CompactENOnline, EARLY TIME1175 €1077,5 €
24-Mar-2025 - 26-Mar-2025Automotive SPICE for CybersecurityENOnline, EARLY TIME1760 €1614 €
31-Mar-2025 - 3-Apr-2025intacs® certified Process Expert Automotive SPICE® ENOnline, EARLY TIME2350 €2155 €
7-Apr-2025 - 11-Apr-2025intacs® certified Competent Assessor Automotive SPICE®ENOnline, EARLY TIME2930 €2687 €
28-Apr-2025 - 28-Apr-2025Automotive SPICE® 4.0 UpgradeENOnline, EARLY TIME590 €492 €
29-Apr-2025 - 30-Apr-2025Hardware Engineering SPICEENOnline, EARLY TIME1220 €1016 €
5-May-2025 - 8-May-2025intacs® certified Process Expert Automotive SPICE® ENOnline, EARLY TIME2350 €1960 €
5-May-2025 - 11-May-2025intacs® certified Process Expert and Provisional Assessor Automotive SPICE® ENOnline, EARLY TIME4110 €3769 €
12-May-2025 - 12-Dec-2024intacs® certified Provisional Assessor Automotive SPICE® ENOnline, EARLY TIME2350 €-1120 €
19-May-2025 - 20-May-2025Agile SPICE® – a bridge to Automotive SPICE®ENOnline, EARLY TIME1320 €1096 €
21-May-2025 - 22-May-2025Organization SPICEENOnline, EARLY TIME1175 €980 €
26-May-2025 - 27-May-2025Mechanical Engineering SPICEENOnline, EARLY TIME1175 €980 €
2-Jun-2025 - 5-Jun-2025intacs® certified Process Expert Automotive SPICE® ENOnline, EARLY TIME2350 €1960 €
11-Jun-2025 - 12-Jun-2025Hardware Engineering SPICEENOnline, EARLY TIME1220 €1016 €
16-Jun-2025 - 18-Jun-2025Automotive SPICE for CybersecurityENOnline, EARLY TIME1760 €1468 €
23-Jun-2025 - 24-Jun-2025Machine Learning SPICEENOnline, EARLY TIME1175 €980 €
25-Jun-2025 - 26-Jun-2025Automotive SPICE® CompactENOnline, EARLY TIME1175 €980 €
30-Jun-2025 - 3-Jul-2025intacs® certified Process Expert Automotive SPICE® ENOnline, EARLY TIME2350 €1960 €
30-Jun-2025 - 12-Dec-2024intacs® certified Process Expert and Provisional Assessor Automotive SPICE® ENOnline, EARLY TIME4110 €1709 €
7-Jul-2025 - 12-Dec-2024intacs® certified Provisional Assessor Automotive SPICE® ENOnline, EARLY TIME2350 €1940 €
22-Sep-2025 - 26-Sep-2025intacs® certified Competent Assessor Automotive SPICE®ENOnline, EARLY TIME2930 €2404 €

Our experts convey the theory comprehensibly, report on many practical examples and support you in the exercises. This is confirmed by our customers. Read more.

Automotive SPICE®

Learn how to apply Automotive SPICE® as a tool both for analysis and development. We provide simple explanations of Automotive SPICE®.

Discover this development standard as illustrated by practical examples.

Within Germany and internationally, we provide a wide array of Automotive SPICE® trainings. Our training sessions include:

– assessor education

– assessment team participation (as an extraordinary “hands-on” training)

– training sessions or workshops for specific target groups like senior management or project managers respectively chief engineers. Read more

Agile leadership and successful outsourcing

We show you how to effectively coordinate tasks. Only with sufficient transparency can the work be actively controlled so that the chronic reaction to disturbances is reduced.

We focus on transparent and cooperative coordination of work processes and support independent and disciplined teamwork.
The methods and emphases vary between classic and agile project management, the management culture and the taxation of suppliers. The crucial factors are acceptance and effectiveness.

We illustrate the solutions with examples from OEM and Tier 1 projects, scalable to medium and large projects or programs, with national and global teams using methods that recognize and use cultural strengths.

Embedded Engineering

Learn how to create a good development foundation with effective requirements management.
Learn to apply the new trends to efficiently organize real-time architectures.

Work with us to see how productive the development and qualification of software components can be organized.
Expect good solutions from us for integrating and qualifying your products.

Early and effective testing leads to timely error correction.
Deliver quality on time.

Functional Safety (ISO 26262) & Cybersecurity (ISO 21434) in Automotive

While the concepts for ensuring and demonstrating functional safety and cybersecurity are similar, the necessary technical activities are completely different.

Get to know the concepts and necessary methods and apply them to your environment.

Learn how to effectively design functional safety and cybersecurity proof, integrate the activities into the project work, and continuously collect evidence and visualize progress.

All training courses are offered ONLINE

We make ONLINE trainings effective and use our experience with proven design tools. We structure the training day in 3 blocks of 90 minutes each plus homework of 2 hours. Each morning starts with an optional and relaxed 20 minute welcome session (see times in brackets). For trainings lasting several days we are happy to divide the days into 2 consecutive weeks.

In anticipation of the release for online training by Intacs, we will offer the course “intacs™ Certified Competent Assessor (Automotive SPICE® v3.1)” in future also as online training.

ONLINE seminar times:

LanguageTime ZoneWelcomeTrainingHomework
Online – GermanyGermanCEST(8:50-9:00)9:00 - 10:30; 11:00 – 12:30; 13:30 – 15:002h/day
Online – EARLY TIMEEnglishCEST(8:50-9:00)9:00 - 10:30; 11:00 – 12:30; 13:30 – 15:002h/day
IST(12:20-12:30)12:30 – 14:00; 14:30 – 16:00; 17:00 - 18:30
CT(14:50-15:00)15:00 – 16:30; 17:00 – 18:30; 19:30 - 21:00
Online – LATE TIMEEnglishCEST(16:20-16:30)16:30 - 18:00; 18:45 – 20:15; 21:00 – 22:302h/day
EST(10:20-10:30)10:30 – 12:00; 12:45 – 14:15; 15:00 – 16:30
PST(07:20-07:30)07:30 – 09:00; 09:45 – 11:15; 12:00 - 13:30

CEST Central European Summer Time UTC+2;
IST Indian Standard Time UTC+5:30;
CT China Time UTC+8;
EST Eastern Standard Time UTC-5;
PST Pacific Standard Time UTC-8

Seminar material:

The training material for ONLINE seminars is provided as PDF with a special watermark for your own personal use and may not be passed on.

Some participants prefer the material in paper form. Therefore, the PDF files are sent out a few days before the seminar starts so that the participants can print the desired parts.

If requested in time, the printed material can be sent by mail.


The Best-in-Class ASPICE Booklet (296 pages) can be downloaded in advance as a PDF here.


Each participant who has participated fully and actively in the seminar will receive a certificate of attendance.


For assessor courses, participants can optionally take an ONLINE exam in the last session. The examination is conducted by VDA ONLINE. For the other participants, the course ends before the exam.


We are happy to grant you a good discount in justified cases. We have defined clear criteria for this purpose. You can calculate your personal discount independently here:

We give a 10% discount on the regular seminar fee for each of the following criteria:

  • Online Training – Seminar is given online
  • Early booking – registration 30 days before the seminar begins
  • Team >= 2 – 2 or more participants register simultaneously or from the same company
  • Team >= 4 – 4 or more participants register simultaneously or from the same company
  • Self-employed prepayers – Self-employed prepayers (for students, private individuals or freelancers)
  • Pre-payer from BCC – Pre-payer from best-cost countries (not from Europe, USA, Canada, Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and the Gulf States)

The discount is limited to a maximum of 50%. The discount does not apply to examination fees and for some seminars only to a limited extent.

Technical requirements

Each participant needs a PC with a working camera and audio function as well as a good Internet connection. Participants do not need MS Team licenses. For exams a scan of identity card or passport is required.


Please register for the training ONLINE.

Official Automotive SPICE® Trainings: This course is certified according to the International Assessor Certification Scheme (intacs™) and forms the basis for training to become a intacs™-certified Automotive SPICE® Assessor. Automotive SPICE® is a brand of the VDA QMC: (externe Seite)

Which ASPICE® training is right for you?

Question: Do you want to have a basic understanding of Automotive SPICE®, discuss some concrete implementation examples and learn how managers can motivate the experts for Automotive SPICE®?
Question: Do you want to become an Automotive SPICE® Assessor?

The training consists of several parts. Among other things, you need the following trainings and have to pass the corresponding exams (Note: Further criteria have to be fulfilled, details here):

Question: As an Automotive SPICE® Assessor, do you gain experience in assessment?
  • As an assessor with us, you can become a member of the assessment team – provided the assessed organizational unit agrees. Register early or be placed on the list of interested persons: Automotive SPICE® Assessment Participation
Question: Do you want to get to know the VDA interpretation and evaluation rules for Automotive SPICE®?
  • Here our two-day training “Introduction to the VDA Automotive SPICE® Guidelines” is the right thing for you.
  • This training is obligatory for all Competent Assessors and is therefore a component of the Assessor training.
  • This training can also be attended outside the assessor training. However, a good knowledge of the Automotive SPICE® Assessment Model is a prerequisite!
Question: Do you want to discuss a quick introduction to Mechanical SPICE and concrete implementation examples?
  • Our one-day seminar “Introduction to Mechanical Engineering SPICE” is the right choice here.
Introduction to Automotive SPICE™intacs™ Certified Provisional Assessor (Automotive SPICE™)ASPICE™ Assessment Team Participation Introduction to the VDA Automotive SPICE™ GuidelinesiNTACS certified Competent Assessor Automotive SPICE™
Automotive SPICE™ for ManagerIntroduction to Mechanical Engineering SPICE
(In-house only)
TrainingszweckMediation of ASPICE basic concepts and success factors
Ability to motivate for ASPICE
Education as an ASPICE Expert, Provisional Assessor and Assessment Team MemberAssessment experience
Assessment Log (EE-AT)
Mediation of the intention and structure of the VDA guidelines
Ability to apply the VDA guidelines
Education as an ASPICE Competent Assessor and Assessment LeadMediation of the ASPICE success factors and enabling motivation for ASPICEMediation of the basic concepts and success factors of Mechanical Engineering SPICE
Line, process or project manager, process owner++++
Member of the quality assurance++++++++
Project member who defines and owns processes+++++++
Member of a process group++++++++
Candidates for Provisional Assessors Automotive SPICE++++++
Certified Provisional Assessors Automotive SPICE+++++++++
Certified Competent Assessors Automotive SPICE++++++

Training Proceedings

Detail Information
12.003Embedded RT Software Development
12.004Memory Concepts for Embedded Software
12.005Unified Modeling Language
12.006Test Driven Software Development with C/C++
12.007Object Oriented Programming with C++
12.008Programming witht ANSI C
12.009.Net Programming with C#
12.010Model Driven Development – Making it Effective
15.003Secure Boot – Concepts and Tradeoffs
15.004Introduction to Automotive Security ISO 21434

What sets us apart?


A good Environment

We look-out for environments in which learning comes easier, from details for snacks, food, and coffee, to the number of people who we allow to enroll in one class.


Learn with Experts

KnüvenerMackert trainers are experts in the field. Their experience covers a wide spectrum of knowledge from a Consultants perspective as well as a team member within Automotive Corporate environments.


Hands-on approach

Through practice exercises, you will learn fast, the course will be dynamic and practical.