intacs certified Provisional Assessor Automotive SPICE® v4.0
Trainings are also offered as in-house training
Date | Booking | Language | Place | Regular price | Book today | Additional Fee Type | Add Fee | Discount |
12-May-2025 - 12-Dec-2024 | EN | Online, EARLY TIME | 2350 € | ![]() | Exam | 450 | Online training 10%, early bird discount 10%, teams >2 10%, teams >4 10%, from best cost country 10%, private/freelancer 10% [max 50%] | |
7-Jul-2025 - 12-Dec-2024 | EN | Online, EARLY TIME | 2350 € | ![]() | Exam | 450 | Online training 10%, early bird discount 10%, teams >2 10%, teams >4 10%, from best cost country 10%, private/freelancer 10% [max 50%] |
If you find an empty list above the training is not offered publicly at this point. Please contact us to show your interest for us to train you.
General Information
Duration: 4 days
Time: 9:00 – 17.00 Uhr
Training-ID: 11.001.XX

This training aims to train the intacs certified Process Experts Automotive SPICE v4.0 to become good co-assessors. You will be perfectly prepared for the subsequent examination as an “intacs™ Certified Provisional Assessor (Automotive SPICE®)”.
This course provides the basics and context of Automotive SPICE® (ASPICE) v4.0, the leading process assessment model and standard for performing assessments in the automotive industry. The participants learn to interpret Automotive SPICE® correctly and to understand the connections.
You learn how to analyze and evaluate processes under the advice of a lead assessor. You will be able to improve the processes based on evaluation results.
Important foundations for the successful introduction of Agile methods as well as methods for Automotive Functional Safety (ISO26262) and Automotive Cyber Security (ISO21434) are laid.
The aim of the training is also to ensure that the participants not only hear the content, but also gain their first experience with many practical exercises and tips. We demand and encourage that the participants actively participate in the training.
We look forward to your feedback and will issue a training certificate at the end.
Of course, it is also our aim that on the last day of the training the participants pass the exam, which is conducted by a representative of the VDA.
The Automotive SPICE® Assessor motivates the team to benefit by process compliance to Automotive SPICE®.
The assessor helps to establish clear responsibilities and follow processes effectively.
The Automotive SPICE® Assessor supports the team to do each work package first time right – based on qualified input and generating adequate output including clear evidence for verification.
The assessor participates in Automotive SPICE® assessment teams. By this the assessor gains a detailed understanding of the development and gathers assessment experiences.
This training is exclusively taught by experienced intacs™ Certified Principal Assessors with extensive experience with practical assessment implementation. Also, they are certified trainers.
In addition to the accredited standard training material, KNÜVENER MACKERT provides extra material like summaries and guidelines.
Participants will receive a copy of the world’s best ASPICE Guide with AUTOMTOIVE SPICE®, Mechanical Engineering SPICE and GUIDELINES, which are derived from the VDA Guidelines v1.0 [LINK].
In addition to the reduced standard mock exam, KNÜVENER MACKERT provides a full mock exam as extra preparation material.
The content of this course is based on the curriculum published by intacs™. The training material is the accredited standard training material of intacs.
Initially, we provide an overview of Automotive SPICE and its importance in the automotive industry. We show what companies motivate and achieve when they introduce Automotive SPICE.
We work out the most important ideas and concepts and look at the practices of the most important processes (VDA Scope). We explain the relationships and internal dependencies.
We introduce the international Assessor Certification Scheme intacs as well as the assessor degrees defined by intacs. We explain what is needed to apply successfully for assessor certification the first time or renewal.
We introduce the measurement system, the process and capability levels as well as the rating scheme “NPLF”. We will go into detail on the dependencies between the reviews. In exercises we practice evaluating specific situations and applying the peculiarities and assessment guidelines to be followed.
We show how an assessment is prepared, carried out and followed up. A process for conducting assessments is presented. Using templates and examples, we show you how the work results can be created. In written exercises and role plays, we practice the methodology repeatedly.
We introduce the methods for data collection. Both the techniques for interviews and notes as well as the examination of documents relevant to an assessment will be developed.
Most parts of the training are hands on. We perform many exercises and discussions to enable participants to apply the new knowledge to their own work environment.
We conduct several mock exams to prepare the participants perfectly for the final exam.
This training course is designed for intacs certified Process Experts Automotive SPICE v4.0, who wants to be trained to become a co-assessor.
Certification as intacs certified Process Experts Automotive SPICE v4.0
In the afternoon of the last day of the course, a representative of the VDA conducts a multiple-choice exam.
The exam is bilingual in German and English. The duration of the exam is one hour. Students who are neither German nor English native speaker may extend the exam by half an hour.
The exam consists of 12 questions with 5 possible answers each. To pass the exam 46 out of 60 points are needed.
Permitted aims are printed copies of ISO / IEC 330xx (which you will not need) and Automotive SPICE® (which will be provided), personal notes and courseware. Any type of electronic equipment is not permitted.
The first 8 questions test the knowledge which you have learned during the course. The last 4 questions refer to a scenario that needs to be evaluated.
There are several exam versions to make sure that the person at the next table has other questions to answer.
Anyone focusing on the subject during the training has a good chance to pass. Between 2008 and 2018, in average of all VDA exams 88% of the candidates passed.
This training is offered as inhouse training as well.
Excerpt from the training material