Model Driven Development – Making it Effective
Model driven development is sometimes presented as the silver bullet that will replace hand-written code and solve all software development problems. This seminar takes a realistic, experience-based approach and presents the reality.
The goal of this seminar is to understand what model-driven development is and what it offers. Most importantly, we wish to help understand how to use model-driven development effectively, so as to derive the greatest possible benefit.
The seminar will start by providing an overview of how model-driven development functions, outlining the path from the model to the final product. Modelling patterns will then be discussed to determine what should be described in the model and what should be described elsewhere. The model language is then discussed to determine what is important and what is not important. Model editors are described along with the concepts of model verification. The topic of code generators is discussed along with the advantages of having ownership of the code generator and how this can quickly become a make or buy decision. This then plays a role in the build process and achieving the goal of a one-click build. Testing of the generated code is also an issue – is reference testing sufficient or must all generated code be fully tested? Finally, the finished model is examined along with the role of the generated code.
Technical and team leaders who are responsible for development efforts using model-based tooling will benefit from this seminar. Developers that are using model-based tools will benefit from a better understanding of the background behind model-driven development.
An understanding of UML (used for examples) and a strong general understanding of software development processes is required.
Participants in this seminar will come away with an in-depth understanding of how model-driven development functions and how to apply it to obtain the greatest possible benefit.
With Knüvener Mackert GmbH this course is being taught by an expert with the experience from 35 years of real-time software development in embedded systems, spanning both the medical and the automotive industries.
This seminar can also be offered in the form of in-house training at the location of your choice.
General Information
Duration: 1 day
Time: 9:30 – 17.00 Uhr
Language: german or english
Trainer: Gerald Harris, Profile LinkedIn
10% early bird discount on the training fee (till 8 weeks before start)
10% team discount on the training fee (more than 3 participants)
20% early bird team discount on the training fee (both above)
Training-ID: 12.010.01

Stuttgart, Germany – on request
Early-bird discount: 10%
Teamdiscount: 10%
Status: on request
Training ID: 12.010.01
Excerpt from the training material
Each participant receives one of the world’s best ASPICE guides.